Our Solution

To enable two groups of storytellers (artists and experts) to collaborate and craft evidence-based climate stories focused on solutions

ClimArts Stories (coming soon)

Greenland Glaciers

Explore the sentient majesty of Greenland's glaciers through Sophia Priolo's poignant poetry and Eric Rignot's vivid expeditions

(SDG 13, 14)

The Resilient River

An evocative Odissi dance journey by Neelambaree Prasad and Kripa Iyer, with Daanish Mustafa's insights on river ecosystems, advocating for sustainable development

(SDG 13, 14)


A vibrant fusion of puppetry and animation by Emma Cregan and TORAJAMELO, celebrating the indigenous Toraja women and their sustainable crafts preventing outward migration in Indonesia

(SDG 13, 15)